Sunday, September 20, 2009

#263 -- Michelle, Javen, Abby, Joslyn and Bill enjoy the party in the park for Javen's 7th birthday.
#262 --The cake Javen's mother made for her birthday. It was delicious!

#261 -- James and I surprised Javen with a small birthday cake at lunch the day before her birthday.

#260 -- Abby looks on while Grandma Carol helps Javen with her new clothes.

#259 -- Aunt Stephanie and Javen
#258 -- Heather playing at the river.

#257 -- Javen playing at the river.

#256 -- Kaila and Seth playing at the river.

#255 -- Kids and even horses play at the river.

#254 -- Bill Jones
#253 -- Eric and Sandy prepare for Peace in the Park

#252 -- Yellow Rose

#251 -- Pink Rose

#250 -- Nancy's herb garden with sunflowers.

#249 -- My Living room window.